Leadership & Administration

Rabbi Binyomin Olstein

Rabbi Binyomin Olstein

Rosh Yeshiva, Beis Midrash and Men’s CollegeMenahel Ruchani, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Chani (Karen) Tessler, Ph. D.

Chani (Karen) Tessler, Ph. D.

Chief Academic Officer, HTCVice Provost, Touro College IllinoisDean, Sarah Hartman Women’s CollegeAssociate Professor of Speech and Communication Disorders, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Rita Lipshitz, M.A.

Rita Lipshitz, M.A.

Assistant Dean, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Richard Aronoff, Ed.D.

Richard Aronoff, Ed.D.

Director of Counseling Services, HTCAccommodations Officer, HTC

Michael Verderame, Ph.D., M.S., M.A., J.D.

Michael Verderame, Ph.D., M.S., M.A., J.D.

Dean, Beis Midrash and Men’s CollegeHead Librarian, Beis Midrash and Men’s CollegeCareer Counselor, Men's College

Department Chairs & Coordinators

Malkie Eisenberg, Ph.D.

Malkie Eisenberg, Ph.D.

Chair, English, Sarah Hartman Women’s CollegeDirector, Adult Degree Completion Program, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Ramiro Gumucio, MD

Ramiro Gumucio, MD

Chair, Health Sciences, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Bari Fleischer, M.F.A., Doctoral Candidate

Bari Fleischer, M.F.A., Doctoral Candidate

Director of Academic and Student Success, Sarah Hartman Women’s CollegeChair, Graphic Art and Design, Sarah Hartman Women’s CollegeDirector of Ralla Klepak PAL Program, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Paul Pinkus, C.P.A.

Paul Pinkus, C.P.A.

Chair, Business, E-Commerce & Marketing, Beis Midrash and Men’s College, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Shira Frost Roth, Ed.D.

Shira Frost Roth, Ed.D.

Chair, Education, Sarah Hartman Women’s CollegeChair, Department of Education at the Anne M. Blitstein Teachers Institute for Women of the Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro at HTC, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Rena Spiegel, M.A., CCC-SLP

Rena Spiegel, M.A., CCC-SLP

Senior Administrator, Sarah Hartman Women’s CollegeChair, Speech and Communication Disorders, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Rabbi Seymour Wechsler, C.P.A

Rabbi Seymour Wechsler, C.P.A

Chair, Accounting, Beis Midrash and Men’s College, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Yitzchok Wengrow, M.S., M.Ed.

Yitzchok Wengrow, M.S., M.Ed.

Chair, Department of Computer and Information Science, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Rabbi Hertzel Hillel  Yitzhak, Psy.D.

Rabbi Hertzel Hillel Yitzhak, Psy.D.

Chair, Psychology, Beis Midrash and Men’s College, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Adjunct Faculty

  • Michael Allen, Ph.D., University of Utah, M.A., B.S., University of California
  • Lani Berman, M.A., Hebrew University, M.A., University of Haifa, B.A., Yeshiva University
  • Shani Beth-Halachmi, Ph.D., M.A., University of California, B.A., California State University 
  • Antonio Bifero, Ph.D. (ABD), M.B.A., Dominican University, M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, D.C., National University of Health Sciences B.S., University of Illinois
  • Melanie Brown, MFA, American University; B.A. Knox College
  • Daniel Cohen, Ph.D., Northwestern University, B.A., SUNY
  • Sheryl Covitt, M.Ed., National Louis University, B.A., Northern Illinois University
  • Rabbi Zev Drutman, Semicha, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik; M.A., National Louis University; B.A., University of Delaware
  • Assaf Dvorkin, Ph.D., B.S., Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Devri Ehrlich, J.D., Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, B.A., University of Wisconsin
  • Rabbi Azriel Feifel, M.B.A., Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, B.P.S. State University of New York
  • Susan Feuer, M.A., Roosevelt University, M.A., Northeastern Illinois University
  • Avi Fleischer, Ph.D., M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, B.A., Northeastern Illinois University
  • Ilana Dvorin Friedman, Ph.D., M.Sc., Erickson Institute, B.A., Brandeis University
  • Yehuda Friedman, C.P.A., M.S., Roosevelt University, B.S., Touro College
  • Janine Gevas, B.F.A, Parsons School of Design
  • Devorah Goldberg, M.B.A., Roosevelt University, B.A., Hebrew Theological College
  • Rabbi Noach Goldstein, M.A., Bernard Revel Graduate School, B.A., Yeshiva College, Semicha, RIETS
  • Rabbi Reuven Gottesman, M.Sc., DePaul University
  • Alyssa Tello Haynes, Ph.D., Northwestern University, B.S., University of Pennsylvania
  • Rabbi Yehuda Isenberg, M.A.H.R.D., Northeastern University, M.B.A., Loyola University, B.A., Semicha, Hebrew Theological College
  • Elana Jacobs, M.Ed., UIC, B.A., Hampshire College
  • Rabbi Daniel Kanter, M.A., Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies & YU, Semicha, RIETS, B.A. HTC
  • Stephen Karesh, Ph.D., University of Maryland, M.S., Clemson University, B.S., College of Charleston
  • Evangelos Kobotis, Ph.D. (ABD), M.A., University of Chicago, B.A. University of Athens
  • Bonnie Kupchik, M.A., Queens College, B.A., Yeshiva University Stern College for Women
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kurtz, Semicha, Kollel Sheivet U’meChokek Jerusalem, Semicha, Rabbinial College Yeshivat Be'er Yaakov
  • BenZion Lazovsky, M.S., Northeastern Illinois University, M.A.T., National Louis University
  • Thea Martre, M.F.A. San Francisco Art Institute
  • Jeffrey Mayer, M.B.A. Candidate, A.E.S., College of DuPage
  • Ryan McCarty, Ph.D., University of Illinois, M.Ed., Ed.S., National Louis University, B.S., Indiana University
  • Faye Meyers, C.P.A., B.Sc., Northeastern University
  • Rabbi Avraham Shimon Moller, M.A., Loyola University: Beis Midrash Gavoha
  • Rabbi Avrohom S. Muschel, Semicha, Rabbi Hillel David Shlita, Kollel Mir Yerushalayim
  • Rabbi Michael Myers, M.A., B.A., Northeastern University
  • Sara Olstein, M.A., Michelet Yerushalayim for Women
  • Beth Perkel, Noted Author, B.A., University of Pennsylvania
  • Rabbi David Perkel, Semicha, YU/RIETS, J.D., Northwestern University School of Law,  B. A., University of Pennsylvania
  • Dinah Rubinoff, M.A., B.A., Northeastern University
  • Rabbi Gershon Schaffel, B.H.L., Hebrew Theological College, Graduate Studies, Loyola University
  • Mrs. Elana Shapiro, M.A., B.A., Northeastern Illinois University & National Louis University
  • Kevin Spiegel, J.D., Chicago-Kent College of Law, B.A., Michigan State University
  • Kerri Stelzer, J.D., DePaul University, B.A., University of Illinois
  • Rabbi Yaakov Sussman, Semicha, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin, Mir Yeshiva
  • Rivka Varnai, M.Ed., National Louis University
  • Mrs. Dina Zimmerman, MSN and BSN, Chamberlain University