Israel Option
The Israel Option of Hartman Women's College enables students to spend a year of college study in a seminary in Israel. A year in Israel is a challenging and enriching experience that serves as a guide in developing a lifestyle consonant with Torah values. Students can earn up to 30 credits and six credits in transfer for their Fall and Spring semesters of college studies and are provided academic advising to map out their course of study upon their return, culminating in a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Enrollment in Hartman Women's College’s Israel Option is a mutual commitment. Enrollment is the first year of your baccalaureate degree. Acceptance is contingent on the completion of all admission requirements and acceptance to Hartman Women's College. We expect students to complete their undergraduate studies at Hartman Women's College. Students may not hold a deferral at another institution during their Israel Option Program.
Israel Option Application Process:
- Prospective students to Hartman Women's College’s Israel Option must apply through the standard application portal. Please refer to the application requirements for detailed instructions.
- Follow these steps to pay your deposit:
- Step 1: Login to the TouroOne portal using your portal credentials.
- Step 2: Select the "Student Accounts" widget to the right.
- Step 3: Select "Access TouchNet" from the drop-down menu under Student Accounts.
- Step 4: Select the "Deposits" tab.
- Step 5: Select the applicable term and select the appropriate deposit.
- Step 6: Select Payment Method.
- Step 7: Enter your credit card information or your checking or savings account information and select "Continue".
- Step 8: Review payment and click "Submit Payment".
You will receive a message that states "Thank you, you have successfully scheduled your payment(s) for x/x/xx".
- Complete the Israel Option Participation Agreement. All Israel Option documentation (emailed upon acceptance) must be returned to Hartman Women's College by June 15 in order to receive the discounted rate of $1,200. The discounted rate of $1,200 will only apply if the administrative fee has been paid on TouchNet by June 15 and all of the documents have been received by June 15. If any of the above items are outstanding on June 16, the rate will go up to $1,250 and if still outstanding by July 16, the rate will increase to $1,350, after August 15 the rate will go up to $1,500.
- Israel Option Students are required to participate in all Hartman Women's College meetings and programs scheduled specifically for them in Israel. These include presentations by rebbeim, faculty, and deans, geared to assist in academic planning. Mrs. Adina Kaufman is the Israel Liaison for Sarah Hartman Women's College, and coordinates visits with administration and students, meets with students to help with any issues, and clarifies questions about their college experience. She can be reached at
- Israel Option Students who complete their yearlong study in Israel, will receive a tuition credit of $500 towards their first on-campus semester.
Hartman Women's College encourages students to explore local and national Financial Aid opportunities to help offset the cost of their education while enrolled at Hartman Women's College and participating in the Israel Option. Hartman Women's College students may qualify for federal and state grants and student loans.
To learn more about the Israel Option, please contact our staff at (773) 973-0241 or email
The following seminaries are participants of the Israel Option*:
- Ateres Bnos Yerushalayim
- Ba’er Miriam/Mayanot
- Bais Yaakov Yerushalayim (BJJ)
- Bais Yaakov Seminar
- Beth Chana Seminary-Tsfat
- Binas Bais Yaakov
- Bnos Avigail
- Bnos Batsheva
- Bnos Chava
- Bnos Sarah
- Bnos Yehudis
- Bnot Torah Institute
- Chemdas Bais Yaakov
- Darchei Binah
- Keser Chaya
- Machon Bnos Yehuda (BYA)
- Machon Maayan
- Machon Raaya
- Machon Sarah
- Me’or Bais Yaakov
- Mesoras Rochel
- Michlalah
- Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim
- Midreshet Harova
- Midreshet Moriah
- Midreshet Tehillah
- Midreshet Toras Chessed
- Nachlas Bais Yaakov
- Ne’imas Bais Yaakov
- Nishmas Bais Yaakov
- Pninim
- Seminary Chaya Mushka
- Sha’alvim for Women
- Tehilas Bais Yaakov
- Tiferet Center (Beit Shemesh)
- Tomer Devora
*List subject to change
To learn more about the Israel Option, please contact our staff at (773) 973-0241 or email