Rabbi Yair Olstein

Admissions Coordinator, Beis Midrash and Men’s College

Rabbi Yair Olstein is a Skokie native, growing up on the Yeshivas campus. After learning in Philadelphia Yeshiva and studying in Yeshivas Brisk in Eretz Yisrael under Reb Avraham Yehoshua Soloveichik, he returned to America to learn in the famed Beth Medrash Govoha earning his B.A in Talmudic Studies. After a few years in Kollel in Lakewood, an opportunity arose to reinvigorate the HTC Kollel. Working very hard together with the Skokie administration, he successfully gathered a kollel group from Lakewood to join Skokie Yeshiva. Following in his father Rabbi Binyomin Olstein's footsteps, he continuously looks for ways to help the Yeshiva, now serving as recruiter, as well as a Beis Midrash Shoel U'Mmeishiv.