The HTC – Beis HaMidrash LaTorah Kollel brings a strong Kol Torah to our Beis Midrash. The Kollel serves to strengthen the Torah learning and living on the HTC campus and throughout the greater Chicago community. The Kollel is a full-time learning Kollel consisting of a dozen members. Eight Kollel families live on the HTC campus serving as teachers and mentors to high school students and enhancing the shabbos environment for dorm students. Kollel members learn with, and give chaburos to, FYHS students during night seder and mishmar, and learn with community members.
Kollel Members
R' Yair Olstein
Rosh Chabura

R’ Yehuda Auerbac

R’ Shiya Babad

R’ Elliot Baral

R’ Yosef Feldman

R’ Yarin Hayohamo

R’ Michell Morgenstern

R’ Reuven Neuman

R’ Aharon Ogun

R’ Yaakov Rosenberg

R’ Meir Sears

R’ Chaim Yosef Wenick

R’ Binyomin Yovits

Kollel Schedule
7:30 | Shacharis |
9:15 - 9:30 | Halacha |
9:30 - 12:45 | 1st Seder |
12:45 - 2:15 | Lunch Break |
2:15 - 2:30 | Mussar Seder |
2:30 | Mincha |
2:45 - 5:55 | 2nd Seder |
5:55 - 7:45 | Dinner Break |
7:45 - 9:30 | Night Seder |
9:30 | Maariv |