The HTC Department of Business aims to advance the business discipline to the degree-seeking student, through excellence in education, through knowledge creation, and through the fostering of Torah and ethical values alongside the traditional Business curriculum. You will gain the essential skills necessary to work and lead within the business arena and workforce. A range of experiences are inherent in the coursework, helping you hone your skills and find your place in this dynamic space.
HTC’s faculty will mentor and foster your business networks, identify meaningful internship opportunities, and prepare interested students to matriculate in HTC's MBA pathway program with the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago. This streamlined program will enable qualified HTC students to complete their accelerated BA at HTC and apply to Quinlan's one year MBA program with preferred admission and GMAT/GRE waivers. In addition, Quinlan will accept two HTC courses as fulfillment of two elective courses in the MBA program.
Program Chair

Internship and job opportunities for our accounting and business majors come in faster than we can fill them. Obviously, employers have gotten wind of the quality of our students.
General Education Requirements
Students must complete HTC’s General Education Requirements as listed in the school catalog.
Business Major Required Courses
The Business coursework for the additional major in Business consists of 42 semester hours as outlined below. Three of the 300-level courses must be completed in residence.
Requirement | Credits |
ACCH 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACCH 202 - Principles of Managerial Accounting | 3 |
BUSH 213 - Business Communication * | 3 |
BUSH 215 - Macroeconomics | 3 |
BUSH 217 - Microeconomics | 3 |
BUSH 250 - Business Law | 3 |
BUSH/MATH 272 - Statistical Analysis * | 3 |
BUSH 301 - Management of Personnel and Organizations | 3 |
BUSH 306 - Business Data Analysis | 3 |
BUSH 311 - Principles of Marketing | 3 |
BUSH/PHIH 322 (or 332) - Case Studies in Jewish Business Ethics * | 3 |
BUSH 341 - Business Finance | 3 |
BUSH 361 - Ecommerce | 3 |
BUSH 385 - Business Policy and Strategic Management * | 3 |
* Must be taken at HTC. Transfer credits are not accepted for these courses.